
NAME GOVERNOR TYPE DATE OF APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT END ALL GOVERNORS HAVE FULL VOTING RIGHTS Chair Mrs J Lund Co-opted Governor 28/06/2023 27/06/2027 Vice Chair Mr D McLenachan Co-opted Governor 03/12/2019 02/12/2027 Vice Chair Ms S Burns Co-opted Governor 08/12/2021 07/12/2025 Headteacher Ms H Hubert Headteacher 11/04/2016 10/04/2028 Mr G Kirkman Co-opted Governor 28/06/2023 27/06/2027 Mr M Mendham Co-opted Governor 08/11/2021 07/11/2025 Cllr T Tariq Co-opted Governor 14/12/2021 13/12/2025 Ms T Wood Co-opted Governor 03/12/2019 02/12/2027 Mr G Lucarelli Co-opted Governor 11/09/2024 12/09/2028 Ms Mary Walsh Co-opted Governor 16/11/2022 15/11/2026 Ms S Southworth LA Governor 28/06/2023 27/06/2027 Mr K Tomlinson Staff Governor 29/06/2022 28/06/2026 Mr I Hassanat Ahmed Parent Governor 19/05/2021 18/05/2025 Mr K Beg Parent Governor 19/05/2021 18/05/2025 Mrs D Morris Parent Governor 19/05/2021 18/05/2025 Mrs Y Poxton Parent Governor 17/01/2023 16/01/2027

The Derby High School Governing Body
Diversity Statement
In April 2023, the Department for Education, in their recognition of the importance of diversity, asked that all school governing bodies seek to reflect the communities they serve. Schools were asked to voluntarily publish their diversity information. We have welcomed this initiative at The Derby High School.
We acknowledge and respect diversity and commit to fully engaging with our school community.
The Derby High School serves nearly one thousand students and employs over one hundred staff who come from a range of different backgrounds – gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and social backgrounds. Everyone is valued.
Over time the membership of our governing body changes and we review this on an annual basis. Currently the membership of the Governing Body is
- An equal split of female and males
- A range of ages with most over 41 years of age
- The majority but not all who were educated within the state school sector
- A range of qualifications, occupations and some members who are now retired
- Representations from different ethnic background
- Representations from different faiths and no faiths
- Representations from different socioeconomic backgrounds
- All members live within Bury