The 7 Rs

At The Derby High School, we have a framework that we call the 7 Rs.
They are 7 themes that we promote everyone to follow throughout the school. They encourage cooperation, preparation, and understanding.

Be where you should be, when you should be there, with what you need to have with you. Be ready to learn, achieve and progress

Acting with common sense. Have an awareness of how your actions and choices impact on others.

Enjoy a challenge and never give up even when situations get difficult. Keep trying. Think positive, be positive.

Being committed to make yourself the best you can be. Be ambitious.

Show respect, tolerance, and understanding of each other, property and the school building. Respect the wishes of others.

Acting with common sense. Have an awareness of how your actions and choices impact on others.

Give the right impression about yourself to others by how you dress. Be proud of yourself and our school.
Each week, we assign one of these themes to our assemblies and use this as a way to relate these values to real life in order to broaden our students’ perspectives and prepare them for later in their lives.
In addition to this, we also have posters across the school that go into further detail about what each R represents.