Student Support Information for Parents
We believe that by providing a framework of support in a caring, yet disciplined environment, our students will be able to achieve their full potential.
We have a dedicated team of Form Tutors who are able to support your child with any pastoral needs they may have. It is the Form Tutor who will have regular contact with your child through morning R-Time lessons. The Form Tutor should be the first port of call for any concerns or queries regarding your child.
Staff at The Derby High School value the partnership with parents and carers and believe that involvement in children’s education from home really matters. We ask that communication with home is kept consistent through the weekly signing of your child’s planner but welcome further contact from parents and carers regarding any aspect of your child’s education.
The pastoral need of each child is also supported by the Heads of Year team. They are able to provide further guidance and co-ordinate packages of intervention with external agencies when a child may have additional needs. They also monitor the attendance, attainment and behaviour of their year groups.
Support from external agencies
The Inclusion team work very closely with a number of external agencies; links to their websites can be found here:
The Prince’s Trust (Fairbridge)
We also recommend the following websites to parents and carers for further advice and support on a range of issues:
External links are selected and reviewed when the page is published. However, The Derby High School is not responsible for the content of external websites.