
Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) at The Derby High School.
At The Derby High School, we are committed to providing high-quality impartial career guidance that empowers our young people to raise their aspirations, capitalise on the opportunities available to them and make independent well-informed decisions about their future. Our careers programme has been developed with the aim of increasing social mobility and supports everyone’s right to fulfil their highest potential and ambition.
Good career guidance has never been more important. Data and research tells us that changes in technology, the technical education system and the labour market mean that the future jobs available to our young people, and the skills and qualifications needed to reach them, are changing all the time. Many skilled jobs require specific education and training, and therefore young people need the right support to make better-informed decisions in relation to choosing their next steps.
At The Derby High School, we continue to work strategically and with ambition to ensure that an innovative, non-biased and aspirational careers programme is embedded across our entire student body. Furthermore, staff at The Derby High School work cooperatively to ensure our CEIAG provision is reactive and relevant to the current needs of our young people.
The designated Careers Lead and Students’ Aspirations Lead for The Derby High School is Mr P Kerr, contact email and contact phone number 0161 764 1819(school main reception).
Mrs P Kerr works alongside the following key staff in relation to CEIAG:
Key School CEIAG Links:
Mrs L Provoost Assistant Headteacher (Personal Development, Partnerships, Marketing & Communication)
Mrs N Glancy Head of R-Time Curriculum
Ms T Wood School’s Link Governor for CEIAG
Key External CEIAG Links:
P Ferry; Independent Careers Advisor with Positive Steps
L Calvert; Careers and Enterprise Coordinator for Bury and North Manchester
V Duthie; Connexions School Link Adviser
CEIAG is currently delivered comprehensively through our R-Time curriculum, assemblies, enrichment sessions, subject lessons, internal and external activity days, trips and experiences, Stop ouR Clock drop down days, taster sessions, one-to-one meetings.
We hope our school’s CEIAG web page and the information and guidance found within the links below are useful resources for all our students, parents/guardians/carers, staff, visitors to the site, employers, professional partnerships and alumni. Furthermore, we value your feedback; please take the opportunity to complete a feedback survey via the last link on this webpage if you would like to share your thoughts, suggestions and ideas with us.
- CEIAG; School Policies & Careers Strategy Plan
- CEIAG; Introducing The Gatsby Benchmarks
- CEIAG; Labour Market Information (LMI)
- CEIAG; Information for Students
- CEIAG; Information in relation to SEND (this page is currently under development)
- CEIAG; Information for Parents, Guardians & Carers
- CEIAG; Information for School Staff
- CEIAG; Information for Employers & Professional Partnerships
- CEIAG; Information for Alumni
- CEIAG; Measuring the impact of good career guidance
- CEIAG; Opportunity to give feedback or get in touch with the careers team